1. To report to the members on each set of accounts laid before the company in the general meeting, whether in his opinion.

    1. The balance sheet gives a true and fair view of the state affairs of the company as at the balance sheet date.
    2. The profit and loss gives a true and fair of the profit (or loss) for the period ended on that date.
    3. The accounts comply with the requirements of the company’s Act.
  1. Duty to state the following in his report.
    1. Whether the auditor has received all the information and explanations which in his opinion was necessary for his audit.
    2. Whether he received adequate returns from branches not visited.
    3. Whether in his opinion proper accounting records have been maintained.
    4. Whether the accounts are in agreement with the underlying records.
  1. Duty to provide working papers.

An auditor has a duty to assist investigators in to the company’s affairs by providing his working papers, which are summaries of significant matters identified by the auditor during the course of the audit.

  1. Duty to certify a statutory report regarding.

    1. Number of shares sold by the company.
    2. Cash received in respect of allotment.
    3. Duty to certify the P&L and Balance Sheet in a prospectus.
  1. To include in his report any required information about the directors remuneration which has been omitted from the accounts.

  2. To consider if any information in the directors report is inconsistent with the accounts and to report the facts if there are any such instances.